Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 114 Shocking! Silence Descends on the World!

“Uh? The Japanese program inspectors have already entered the bank!”

“Big Brother and his team are in danger now. Could they really be eliminated by those guys?”

“Captain Kolyev mentioned that this squad is terrifyingly powerful, with a sixty to seventy percent likelihood of defeating Big Brother’s team.”

“Damn, no, please don’t let that arrogant guy from Japan defeat Big Brother. He’s too overbearing, too wild!”

As the audience watching the livestream saw Japan’s formidable team enter the bank, they sent a flurry of excited messages. Under no circumstance could they allow Japan’s program inspection team to kill Wang Yun.

Absolutely not.

Yet, all they could do was watch the live broadcast helplessly, unable to affect the outcome.


Outside the Nancheng Bank, Wu Mingyu and his group were focused intently.

Could today be the day Wang Yun got arrested? Was the Japanese program inspection team on the verge of success?

The air was heavy with tension.

Captain Mita held a tablet displaying the Tennin Squad’s operational footage. The footage showed them having entered Nancheng Bank, rapidly conducting their search and moving forward.

“Check the internal surveillance of the bank. Is it still operational?” Captain Mita promptly commanded the Tennin Squad.

“Yes, Captain!” came the immediate response from the Tennin Squad’s elite members.

Inside the bank, twenty-one elite members of the Tennin Squad had made their way to the top second and third floors.

The Tennin members on the second and third floors remained stationary, while those on the top floor quickly descended, meticulously searching each level. They briefly examined the surveillance camera positions for any clues.

“Report for Captain Mita, the bank’s surveillance system has been thoroughly disabled,” a member of the Tennin Squad communicated.

“Good, that’s actually better for us. Our intel suggests the bank’s vault is located on the basement level. Wang Yun and his crew are likely either there or in the main lobby. Still, we can’t ignore the other floors. Start the search immediately,” Captain Kyoban, standing beside Captain Mita, instructed.

“Yes, Captain Kyoban,” the elite members of the Tennin Squad nodded in unison and commenced their systematic search, advancing floor by floor.

Armed with cutting-edge equipment, they swiftly activated a human-scanning device upon entering each floor. The device, capable of thermal imaging, allowed them to quickly detect any human presence. This greatly accelerated their search.

Before long, they arrived at the third floor.

“Move to the second floor!”

Using hand signals, they proceeded towards the second floor. Upon reaching it, they regrouped with Tennin Squad members already stationed there.

“Captain, we’ve secured the second floor. The first floor leads to the main bank lobby,” the Tennin Squad reported.

“Should we engage?”

“Engage! Focus on Wang Yun as the primary target. If spotted, neutralize him immediately,” Captain Mita commanded with a stern gaze.


All members of the Tennin Squad acknowledged with a solemn nod.

Exchanging cautious looks, they discreetly made their way into the bank lobby on the first floor. As they reached their destination, alert to their surroundings, they instantly detected activity within the lobby.

The twenty-one elite members of the Tennin Squad gestured with their hands and swiftly dispersed, crawling on the ground as they cautiously approached the scene.

Inside the lobby, Brother Hu’s gaze vigilantly swept around. His eyes darted occasionally towards the staircase, alert for any movement. He was aware, thanks to the information from Wang Yun, that elite members had infiltrated the bank’s interior, poised to strike at any moment.


This time, as Brother Hu’s attention returned to the staircase, he abruptly spotted a figure. His pupils contracted in a moment of realization.

“Be careful!”

But even before his warning cry fully escaped his lips, the sound of gunfire erupted. The opposing side’s bullets rained down in a torrential barrage, aiming at Wang Yun seated on the bench.

Their objective was unmistakably clear. To eliminate Wang Yun first.

“All hostages, get out of the bank now, fast! Or I will kill you!”

Upon witnessing this, Brother Hu and his team bellowed at the hostages, compelling them to move toward the bank’s exit. The hostages, complying with the urgency, began moving outside.


In the midst of the crowd, Brother Hu discreetly snapped his fingers, blending in to avoid the gunfire. At the sound of his snap, the ‘Wang Yun’ seated on the bench suddenly perked up, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and confusion.

“We’ve taken out Wang Yun, we’ve taken out Wang Yun!”

At that moment, all members of the Tennin Squad, seeing ‘Wang Yun’ on the bench hit by the gunfire, displayed expressions of exhilaration. They yelled out in excitement and triumph, their faces alight with the thrill of their apparent success.

Their triumphant roar prompted ‘Wang Yun,’ who was seated on the bench, to stand and turn toward them, his expression still etched with confusion.

“Report to Captain Mita, we have neutralized Wang Yun,” announced the elite members of the Tennin Squad.

The figure on the bench had turned to face them, and upon recognizing the face, they quickly conveyed the update to their communicators, their voices brimming with exhilaration.

“What? Did we succeed? Have we successfully neutralized Wang Yun?”

Outside the building, Captain Mita’s face lit up with a mix of excitement and triumph upon receiving the news, and he couldn’t contain a triumphant roar.

His eyes were glued to the tablet computer. The screen displayed a scene where Wang Yun stood, staring in bewilderment at the Tennin Squad members. He seemed slow to comprehend what had happened, almost unresponsive.


Witnessing this scene, Captain Mita nearly succumbed to a burst of loud laughter.

“Yes, Captain Mita, Wang Yun has been neutralized. It’s confirmed, he is neutralized!” the elite members of the Tennin Squad reiterated, their voices confident and assured. “Additionally, Captain Mita, Wang Yun’s subordinates are holding several hostages and are heading toward the bank’s exit!”

“Hahaha, as long as we take out Wang Yun, we have already won,” Captain Mita couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer.

He spoke with a loud, impassioned voice, his eyes blazing with fervor.


“Our Captain Mita has neutralized Wang Yun, our Japanese program inspection team is unbeatable!”

“Cheers, hooray, our Japanese team is the most formidable in the world! Captain Mita is formidable!”

“Hahaha, the Chinese team suffered huge losses and still failed to take out or arrest Wang Yun. But our Captain Mita just arrived and killed Wang Yun. Our Japanese team is the most formidable!”

As Captain Mita’s exuberant roar echoed, the Japanese netizens, upon hearing this news, became instantly invigorated. They erupted in loud cheers.

How powerful was their Japanese program inspection team?

The Chinese program inspection team, despite lengthy efforts and severe setbacks, couldn’t capture Wang Yun. Yet, their Japanese team had just arrived and effortlessly ‘eliminated’ Wang Yun. This was undoubtedly a moment of great pride for Japan!


“What? Did they really eliminate Wang Yun?”

“How is this possible? How did they manage to kill Wang Yun so quickly?”

“I… I’m struggling to believe this!”

Nearby, Wu Mingyu, Kolyev, Wu Yaoming, Wang Yue, and Captain Ying Yuezi were utterly taken aback. They were having difficulty accepting this reality.

Could it be true? Was Wang Yun just ‘eliminated’ like that?

Wasn’t it too simple? Too easy?

They were astounded. The group exchanged glances, their brows furrowed in disbelief.

Could it be true, did they really succeed?


“I can’t believe it, Big Brother was taken out?”

“The grand finale? The grand finale? No way, did the Japanese team actually pull it off?”

“This… this isn’t real, right?”

“There’s a real possibility, the strength of this special squad is terrifying. Each member is equipped with high-tech gear worth over three million. They’re like krypton gold giants, and even Big Brother is outmatched by them!”

“It’s over, it’s all over, ahhh! I can’t bear to accept this reality!”

At this moment, in the livestream of the domestic program group, the viewers were in complete despair. They hadn’t anticipated this outcome, this conclusion.

The exceedingly arrogant Japanese program inspection team had actually succeeded. The entire live broadcast was in an uproar. The domestic viewers felt their breath catch in their throats, overwhelmed with discomfort.


“We surrender, we surrender!”

“We surrender, we are stopping our resistance!”

At this point, at the entrance of Nancheng Bank headquarters, a multitude of people emerged. Their voices carried swiftly. Amidst these sudden outcries, everyone saw Brother Hu and his six comrades discarding their firearms. They raised their hands high, shouting out loud.

They were surrendering, ceasing all resistance. The onlookers were startled by this development.

“It looks like Wang Yun really has been taken out,” Wang Yue observed this scene, her face etched with utter despondency.

She hadn’t foreseen this ending. It was a feeling of utter helplessness, sheer helplessness.

Nearby, Wu Mingyu and the rest wore expressions of bitterness.

Brother Hu and his team surrendering, abandoning their resistance, signified that Wang Yun had been neutralized.

They inhaled deeply, their hearts a tumult of emotions.

All the viewers of the live broadcast felt a pang in their hearts, each letting out a sigh.

In the end, the Japanese program inspection team emerged victorious. Though they were somewhat unwilling, there was nothing they could do.

“Hahaha, hahaha!” Captain Mita’s laughter echoed with excitement.

He gazed at Wu Mingyu and the others nearby, slightly raising his head with a smile as he said, “Chinese Captains, come join me in celebration, Yuezi, you too, and remember our dinner.”

Then, he confidently walked towards the main entrance of the bank headquarters, exuding a sense of triumph and pride, reminiscent of a victor in ancient times, celebrating as if in a wedding chamber.

“Damn it, let’s go and see for ourselves. I can’t believe it’s this simple,” Kolyev said, deeply inhaling with a somewhat displeased expression.

After a moment of hesitation, Wu Mingyu and the others nodded and headed toward the Nancheng Bank.

At the forefront, the hostages from Nancheng Bank had already scattered.

Brother Hu and his six companions dropped their firearms to the ground, raising their hands in surrender. Meanwhile, inside the Nancheng Bank, the twenty-one elite members of the Tennin Squad, each armed and ready, aimed at Brother Hu and his group. They walked out in unison. At this moment, they were heroes, the embodiment of strength.

“It’s over, everything has ended,” Captain Mita declared as he approached, spreading his arms wide, his face beaming with triumph.

He scanned the surroundings, smiled, and asked, “Where’s our friend Wang Yun? Is he still playing the corpse?”

“Captain Mita, Wang Yun is still inside the bank, overwhelmed with shock and disbelief,” replied a Tennin Squad member with a grin.

Their spirits were high, filled with excitement and elation. Today, they had made their mark with a single, decisive battle.

“Really? It seems he’s struggling to accept reality,” Captain Mita said with a smirk, his tone dripping with arrogance. “Fetch him for me, and tell him that our Japanese program inspection team is in a league far beyond the Chinese team. It’s only natural for him to lose to me.”


Upon hearing this mocking remark, Wu Mingyu and his companions’ expressions darkened, and they involuntarily let out a cold snort. The discomfort was evident on all their faces.

Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, Brother Hu’s phone began to ring.

“May I take this call?” Brother Hu, raising his hand, asked permission from Captain Mita and his team.


Brother Hu’s unexpected request left Captain Mita momentarily taken aback. Wu Mingyu and the others also sharpened their focus.

Without waiting for Captain Mita’s reply, Brother Hu swiftly took out his phone and answered.

As soon as he connected, Wang Yun’s voice was heard, “Put it on speaker and aim the phone at them.”

“It’s the boss!”

Brother Hu quickly switched the phone to speaker mode, directing it toward the group. This move once again caught everyone off guard, leaving them struggling to process the development.

Captain Mita, standing before them, also sharpened his gaze. He was suddenly gripped by an ominous feeling.

“Captain Mita of the Japanese program inspection team, right? So, you think you’ve killed me? You’re planning to claim my head? Hehe, you’re not good enough to challenge me. Killing you would be as simple as slaughtering a dog.”


Wang Yun’s icy voice continued from the phone. As his words ended, the unmistakable sound of a sniper rifle reverberated through the call.

In that moment, Wang Yun went live.

And in that moment, the world fell into silence.

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