Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 27: Bro Shu

Huang Yao might be greedy, petty and only settled for instant benefits, but her upbringing was spotless, never once having gone to nightclubs and saloons.

The exception this time was because Ma Yu duped her into believing he was throwing a birthday party for vice-class monitor An Yuxin.

With Ma Yu saying a precious gift was waiting for her and that she’d freeload, she was hooked. Yet when she got to the club’s entrance there was no classmate in sight, nor was An Yuxin’s car. Suspicion crept in her heart and it only grew when Ma Yu urged her to get inside. So she dialed Li Mo.

Huang Yao wasn’t feeling like entering even with the precious gift dangling before her eyes. She stood outside the entrance conflicted. 

Ma Yu was frantic, urging her, “Beauty Huang, come, why are you standing around dazed? The party is about to start. Not anyone can get such a precious gift. First come first served.”

“Why haven’t I seen Yuxin around?”

Huang Yao put away her phone.

“Yuxin is the main guest of tonight’s party. She is awaiting everyone inside, come. “

“I don’t feel too well. I’ll go in a little while.”

“If you’re too late, you won’t get the precious gift.”

Huang Yao hesitated.

“I heard that it might be the latest Apple phone.”

Temptation started wearing Huang Yao’s vigilance down.

“And an Apple laptop, along with a Rolex.”

“You’ll miss it if you’re too late.”

Huang Yao was won over and entered the club.

‘Score!’ Ma Yu gulped watching her figure.

Just when he thought Huang Yao was in the bag, she came right back out.

“Now what?”

“I-I feel really unwell.”

“Don’t forget the precious gift!”

Huang Yao shook her head.

“What if I give one of them  to you? Will it be the latest Apple phone? The latest Apple laptop? Or hundreds of thousand worth rolex?”

“Or maybe all of them?”

Huang Yao watched Ma Yu startled.

“Can’t you see? I like you. I always have. The reason I called you out tonight is to confess.”

“If you agree to be with me, I will buy everything for you!”

“I-I don’t want to.”

Only allowed on

Huang Yao may love money, but she wasn’t about to go with anyone for it. She wasn’t about to surrender to Ma Yu’s money, especially not when he looked like that.

“S***, how does Yang Chong does it?”

“Isn’t An Yuxin’s birthday today?” Huang Yao asked quickly, seeing him angry.

“Yes, indeed!” Ma Yu reacted on the spot.

Huang Yao looked around and smiled, “Then let’s go in.”

“Yes, quickly!”

Huang Yao waved and Li Mo walked to her.

Ma Yu’s face changed seeing the newcomer, “What are you doing here?”

“She asked me to accompany her. Ma Yu, it’s Yuxin’s birthday party. One more classmate won’t matter, right?”

“No, of course not…” Ma Yu’s face sank.

Ma Yu led the two to a private room in the club he prepared beforehand. It was empty of people, only sporting a few bottles of wine.

Ma Yu drugged them all, waiting for Huang Yao to do the tasting.

“Take a seat, Yuxin and the others will be here shortly. Hey, you’re called Li Mo, right? Come out for a bit, I need you to help me with something.”

Ma Yu found Li Mo increasingly irritating.

He led Li Mo outside and his face turned savage.

“Punk, it would be wise of you if you walked away. If you mess with my plan I will make you wish you were never born!”

Ma Yu promptly jabbed a few times. He was known as the little dueling overlord, not giving any respect to those he had yet to fight. 

Li Mo eyed him, then entered.

What this kid wanted, he knew it all too well. So he didn’t waste time with empty talks.

In the private room, Huang Yao was pouring herself some wine.

“Don’t touch it.”

Li Mo’s warning came a tad late, Huang Yao already having drunk more than half a glass.

“Don’t tell me this wine…” Huang Yao’s paled.

“I don’t know, but that guy’s brains are fried. He isn’t one to use deep ploys and it’s a high chance he drugged the wine.”

“I knew something was fishy! It’s not An Yuxin’s birthday today, or this place wouldn’t have been empty. That bastard Ma Yu is despicable!”

Huang Yao was pushing the door to leave, yet it wouldn’t budge.

“T-the door is locked. I-I’ll call the cops.”

Huang Yao fished out her phone and dialed, but her head was spinning and collapsed after swaying.

Sleeping pills.

Li Mo placed her on the sofa and waited next to her for Ma Yu.

“Bro Shu, it’s up to you if I can have my wish today.”

On the other side of the door, Ma Yu was bowing as he gave a light to a lanky, ‘mousy-faced’ man.

Ma Yu wasn’t the least inferior to Yang Chong. He never saw himself in the wrong, since Yang Chong won the ‘duel’ with numbers.

Not long ago, Ma Yu recognized this Bro Shu as his boss, the new boss of Feng City’s underworld.

After coming under his new boss, Ma Yu began to think how worthless Yang Chong was, ‘What’s so great about having ten under you? Bro Shu can call 300!’

Now that was a gang!

And most importantly, Bro Shu had a gun, he was a true thug. Ma Yu not only saw it, but even got to target practice with it.

“Remember the saying, the happiness of many outweighs the happiness of the individual. Since I am so kind to help you, aren’t you going to share?”

“Ah? Bro Shu, what are you saying?” Ma Yu wasn’t just fat, but also slow, having caught Huang Yao thanks to his boss’ teachings. 

Bro Shu owned the Exquisite Wine Club. If not for his explicit approval, Ma Yu couldn’t have done this deed.

“Of course, I want to join the fun.”

“Bro Shu, if it were any other, I’d agree in a heartbeat, But Yaoyao is someone I love. Once I bed her, I plan to be with her.” Ma Yu’s face was sincere.

Bro Shu chuckled and slapped him over the ear and stunning him.

“What do you take me for, huh?

“I help you on my turf, and you won’t let me have a go? Tell me, who am I?”

“You’re my boss. Isn’t it natural for a boss to help his men under him?”

“To hell with natural! You think I’d care about you, moron, if it weren’t for the money you bring each month? Damn, just saying it makes me lose face.”

Bro Shu slapped Ma Yu’s face, “Punk, when you get something good, the boss always goes first while you shut your yap and watch from the side.”

“Bro Shu, don’t be like this, I’m your underling.”

“Then do what you’re told.”

“I will. When Bro Shu is done, can I enjoy her too?” Ma Yu’s heartfelt words were fake. He had enough of Yang Chong’s sloppy seconds.

“Of course.”

Bro Shu patted Ma Yu’s cheek and entered the private room laughing. Ma Yu and two dozen men were right behind him.

Bro Shu turned on the light and his eyes shined as he caught Huang Yao’s unconscious figure.

‘This girl is hot.’

Ma Yu ran to him, “Bro Shu, Huang Yao called this punk over. He didn’t know what was good for him. Let’s deal with him first.”

Bro Shu cackled then his face changed when he saw Li Mo.





Bro Shu slapped Ma Yu four times for good measure, until he was bleeding.

Bro Shu pointed at Ma Yu as he roared, “Beat the s*** out of him!”

The two dozen men swarmed Ma Yu, fists raining down on him…

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